Here are some things I've been working on.
A tea towel for my bathroom

Table runner number 1 - made from a tutorial on
But I can't finish it because I messed up the backing fabric and I have a pact with Karen to not buy any fabric for the ENTIRE month of September. So far so good.
Here is Table Runner 2.
This is the top without the batting/backing/binding.

And here it is after i attempted to free motion quilt it.

Now this is the Lil' Rascals Quilt top. I am making this as a Christmas gift but can't finish it due to the no new fabric in September rule. I need the backing and the batting.

So what have you been working on?
aprons and quilts and cleaning!!
all of that is going to be so pretty when it's completed!!
You've been super productive. Everything looks great! I haven't done much in the crafting realm, I'm back in school mode again.
Love love love your pretties! I have been working on a Halloweenie runner and some mug rugs and other little goodies for Christmas gifts!
Just found your blog via the FNSI links.. I left town the next day for a week, and am just now getting back into the swing of things and checking some of the blogs out. Gonna follow if you don't mind.. can't wait to see how that truck turns out. Nice to meet you. :)
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