My inspiration came from a small table topper that my good friend Denise made me last year. It's currently, on my dining room table under a fall flower arrangement I have in an antique pitcher. I just love the colors and the size is perfect. I have really enjoyed it this winter.

The last two weeks, I have been traveling for work to some very cold environments compared to what we have here in Southern California. First I was in Montreux, Switzerland and then in New York City, where the temperatures were below 35 degrees (F). This made me long for spring time and working in my garden.
Montreux, Switzerland

World Trade Center - Tower One - New York City, New York

To make this long story short, I decided to try my hand at making a dresden table topper for spring time to put on my dining room table. I also am trying to stick with my New Year's resolution to use up things that I have and not to add so much this year.I used up some scraps I had left over from making an apron for a secret someone!
So I made this table topper out of a 8" dresden pattern. I combined two of my favorite things - dresdens and prairie points!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it.

Now for a fun give away! !
I will select one person to win two Moda "Butter cup" Charm packs.
Just leave me a comment below telling me
what inspires you to sew/quilt/craft/create.
One entry per person
Giveaway ends Jan. 31th at midnight.
Winner will be announced Feb 1st.
Here are all the other great blogs for today!
Nancy W @ “that Other Blog”
Thanks to Christine from Quilt Monster in My Closet
and to Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt.
Your little Dresden is adorable! I love the addition of the prairie points!
What a wonderful spring table topper - I love the chicken and since I double love yellow well let's just say it's beautiful! blessings, marlene
Your Dresden plate is so cute. And I love prairie
points too. Thanks for sharing your creativity
Love the prairie point edges and the chicken in the middle! I get inspired by everything it seems...nature....the fabric itself.....dreams.....etc. Thanks for sharing!
Cuteness overload!!! Love it :) Lately my inspiration is coming from combining necessity and fun.
Vem da minha serra querida,carregada de hortências e agapantos,lírios e roseiras carregadas,sem contar as árvores de Pau Brasil em sua exuberãncia.Obrigada por fazer o meu dia amo bolinhas,amo placas.
I love your topper with the prairie points - what a great idea!
Mostly inspirations comes from the many and varied blogs I follow!!
love it love it ...and would love to include them on pinterest but you have your images blocked..sadly..I think everyone would love your twist
People like you are what inspire me. :D Love the Fall runner and flowers---and your gorgeous sunny Dresden topper. How fun.
Love your hen table and yellow are my favorites! Blogs and nature inspire well as friends. Happy Day!
Hi!!! Love your dresden and that little chick!!! Too cute!!! Just about everything helps inspire me!!! A lot of the time it come from seeing someone elses creations even if totally different from what I create!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!
Super CUTE !
Bloggers like you inspire me. Thanks for sharing your beautiful dresden topper. I like the addition of the chicken in the center.
Your springtime table topper is just the cutest...luv the chicken and the prairie points. Thanks for the inspirations and sharing with us today. Happy stitching, Pauline
Your dresden is so sweet and the chicken is fantastic as the center of attraction! :)
Wow, you really do "get around" Your pictures of your travels are great. It's amazing you have time to sew. I like your prairie points on the end of the dresden. From NoCal, thanks for sharing.
Another very unique idea for when I eventually make a Dresden. Everyone has been so inspiring. Thanks from Judy C for this goodness.
Love your cute, clucky Dresden, Amy! I get inspired while blog-hopping...and also when visiting my LQSs...oh, and just about 24 hours a day I guess :-)
Lovely kitchen dresden!
I think that color, and the way colors combine in different fabrics, always gets me started! There is such pleasure in a good combination.
Thanks so much for sharing! Love how your points are different fabric. Reading other quilt blogs are very inspirational to my creative quilting process.
Very cute project. The fabrics are so bright and happy. I love the prairie points. I guess my main inspiration are the bare walls in my home. It feels so good to hang something bright and happy. Thanks for the chance on your lovely giveaway.
There is so much inspiration around us, but I find blogs to be quite inspiring. Your Dresdens and prarie points combined make a great project.
Your travel sound beautiful.
I don't know why I sew! I just plain enjoy creating and giving quilts to my family and friends. And along my journey over the years, I have met so many wonderful people. Love your bright and cheerful tabletop per.
I love your cheerful table topper... it turned out great! I can't pin point any one thing that inspires me but I do know that I very much enjoy making gifts for family and friends for special occasions!!
people like you and other crafty chicas, that inspires me to get busy and create!
One thing that inspires me is the reading of blogs. Then my best friend is a prolific and talented quilter who inspires me with her gorgeous quilts. My stitch group that has met for 13 years is another source! Inspiration is everywhere!!
Love the fussy cut chicken and the prairie points on your topper. Such fun!
My inspiration for creativity comes from my kids and their needs/wants. Dresses for my daughter, fun robot pillows for my son, little quilts for the baby... I look at them and I utilize their creativity and put it into my crafts. :)
Love your Dresden and the chicken center! My inspiration has doubled with following these fantastic blogs. Thank you for sharing and the great giveaway. jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net.
My husband and I visited NYC for the first time last September. Wonderful city! You picture brought back some great memories.
I love the prairie points on the edge of your table topper. I need to figure out how to do that.
I am inspired by people like you who are willing to share their creations. =)
My inspiration comes from all these awesome blog hops!
I am inspired by pretty much everything - it all mixes up in my head and comes out as all sorts of concoctions. Nature and Pinterest are probably my biggest inspirations at the moment.
Blogs like yours inspire me to create new and exciting things. Love your table topper and pics of your travels. :O)
Your table topper will be a cheerful addition to your table this spring. My inspiration comes from beautiful things I see others make or from the great variety of fabrics constantly coming out.
Oh my goodness your table topper is absolutely adorable..I love the colors...It looks like soemthing out of those Mary Engelbrit books you see.. I love roosters...I have them all over my kitchen...The fake ones not real I receive inspiration from all around me...Sometimes inspiration just hits at the weirdest times. And otehrs it is slow in comeing. But I waill say since I joined pinterest I can get amny daily doeses of inspiration from that sitte along with all teh gorgeous things people make and post on their blogs... conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com
Just recently blog hops have been inspiring me. I have been making dresdens this week, trying out lots of the different designs I have seen. Yours was a really happy dresden.
oh what a lovely topper, the chick in the middle is so sweet!
everything inspires me to create, other people's creativity, the need to make something with my hands, seeing something mass produced and wondering if I can make it
Your table topper is cute. All this blog hopping inspires me to quilt.
The chicken in the middle of your table topper is so cute. This blog hop has inspired me to try a Dresden. Guess I am going to have to spring for the EZ ruler.
Beautiful pictures you have taken. I love your Dresden design. So bright and cheery! Great job! Colors and fabric inspires me. I love the choices we now have. The wonderful quilt stores we have also inspires me. When I'm in a slump I just visit my LQS.
thanks for a chance to win and sharin your dresden table topper. i am inspired by so many different things - including blog land.
Wow, very bright and cheery! I love that you have a connection to Dresden, that just makes it all the more special. People like you are what inspire me to create -- I see it, I love it, you convince me that I can do it, and then I try, lol!
How Cheerful that Dresden is with the Prairie points... then when I saw your give away.. I said to myself..way to cheer-up Buttercup.. LOL I am cracking myself up this morning.. LOL. Thank you so much for participating in the HOP... Hugs and Happy Hoppin'.
Love this little topper! It is so cute and cheerful! Good job Amy and I'm glad I was your inspiration!
Good friends, like you and the other Chicas, inspire me to create!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Now that is just a hoot. What a fun addition to any kitchen. I love love love it!
The thought of being able to make someone's day or to inspire other people if what drives my craftiness :)
what a cute table topper! Love the prairie points! Thanks for the chance for the giveaway...
I quilt because I can! I love gathering fabrics, but sometimes I just can't use the ones I have so I have to go out and but more!!!
Love your dresdans. I want to do some of my own soon.
Lovin the little chicky in the dresden! Great work. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the Chicken on your Tabletopper!!! My Daughter would looove it! lol
My inspiration comes from daily things, reading the Blogs, books & magazines...and my Quilt "Bestest" friend!
Thanks for chance to win these beautiful Charm packs too!! :)
What a great dresden - I love the spots and the colours. Thanks for sharing.
I love to get ideas out of my head so I can show others what is bouncing around in there. sometimes I see a pattern in a weird place that makes me want to use it in quilting too. Inspiration is everywhere.
I love that you made a table mat. So sunny and fun. I am inspired by all that is around me. Especially nature! And of course by the blogs that I visit.:)
I love your dresden! Great idea to add the prairie points.
Oh, this is just beautiful. I love the idea of prairie points. Thank you for the ideas.
Love your table mat. So colorful and bright. I like to look at crafts and sewing stuff and think "oh I can do that" and I try. Some turn out and some I have to work at to get it right. Thanks for the chance to win.
What inspires me are all the pretty colorful projects all over the web. thanks!
I laughed when I saw your table topper with the cute little chicken. She is so funny.I love to sew and what inspires me is all the gorgeous fabrics.When I see fabrics that I like, I get an idea in my head of what i would like to make with it and then just go with it.I see a lot of things on blogs that I love, too. Thank you so much for sharing and for your giveaway.
Fabulous colours .......I love dresdens!
Im quite new to patchwork really, most of my pieces are more freeform.
Although Im currently hexi ing.....
this is a great blog!
The things I see on the blogs I read, pintrest, facebook, my kids....these all inspire me. thanks for the giveaway and your cute dresden. vickise at gmail dot com
I get so much inspiration from the blogs that I read and also from my friends in the quilting groups. They all inspire me to try new things and to make some beautiful things. I love your mat and the prairie points are so cute.
I love giving things I've made to friends and family. Their thanks inspire me to make more. I love your praire
Most of the time what inspires me to sew is the thought of having someone to give the finished product to. I love to give of my talents and this is a new avenue to share for me!
My inspiration comes from all the wonderful quilters in cyberspace!
I love the chicken eggs on your adorable Dresden. Someone is going to be a happy chickie or strutting rooster. I have a friend who would want want want it. She collects chickens. Your picture is so cute with the eggs and whisk, so creative as well as the table runner. Now, what makes me create - just for the sake of creative. Things to keep my mind and hands busy enter into it also. I also like to have something to show for my labors. You are generous with your giveaway. I think most of us adore Joannna. Thank you for taking time from your busy travels to participate and inspire us.
I think my inspiration is my mom! she is a fantastic crafter herself, and has always created wonderful things. Love what you created by the way.
So cute...the prairie points add so much! I'm inspired by what I see others make, artwork, and nature.
Rosemary B here:
adorable yellow is so bright and perky. I love the chicken in the middle and the points on the edge!
I am always inspired by seeing what others can make and I want to try it too. I love making things for other people so I usually give my projects away heehee
Thank you so much for sharing these nice pics of Switzerland and NYC. Nice shots!
and for sharing your sweet creativity
And.... for the nifty magnificent give away!
Everything inspires me to create:) Esp nature!!!
Our southern Cal weather is the best! I love your prairie points. Someday I will actually try them. Great colors too.
Love your kitchen Dresden table topper. So fresh and sunny! My inspiration to sew, quilt, crochet and do yard art is my desire to create something useful and beautiful. Fortunately, I have a husband from heaven who allows me to create, while he does some of the chores I used to do. We have been married for 58 years and feel that I am truly blessed.
How cute is your table topper! Love the chicken in the middle and the fried egg fabric you used for the prairie points.
Your table topper is so cute.
I am a follower
Your Dresden is too cute for words!
What inspires me? Other people--blogs, photos.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Love your Dresden! Most of my inspiration comes from wanting to make my gifts for others. I have to think what would this person like, what colors, etc. From there I just sew, sew, sew!
Your little dresden is very nice and love the prairie points!.
Inspiring arrive from blogs I follow,friends, nature,fabrics..
Thanks for sharing
Your dresden is so cute; very homey; makes me think of my Nana's kitchen. What inspires me is the commitment I made to quilt for charity - maybe it drives me more than inspires me.
a great dresden mat for your kitchen! am loving this hop and all the new blogs ... i get a lot of inspiration from these blogs now that i can no longer go out and about. i.e. the buttercup charm pax will make cute little dresdens as shown in a previous tute in this blog hop. thanx for sharing.
I like your table topper Dresden. I get my inspiration from bloggers like the ones on this hop. I love sewing and making things for family and friends. Thanks for being one of my inspirations today.
I like your "chicky" table topper! I get inspiration from
fabric colors and designs. Of course quilting blogs are very inspiring! Thanks for the giveaway!
I usually am inspired by something I see that appeals to me though fabric can also do the same thing. Your topper is so cheery and the chicken/egg fabric are amusingly sweet.
Inspiration shows up everywhere I look, in the shadow of the trees on a foggy morning, as the snow falls, or when I see a bird or flower. This blog hop has inspired me in many directions. Now I just need the time to make them happen.
I am inspired by color...I love bold and bright, and when I see fabric like that, it really gets my creative juices flowing. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
Hops such as this one inspire me. As does magazines and fabric stores. Now if I could only find the time to do everything I want! Love your Dresden! So cute!
Great colors...and love the chicken! Lots of things inspire me to quilt... sometimes it's the creative process... sometimes its just watching something emerge from nothing....sometimes it just calming to have the hands moving...
What great colors! I am new to quilting and am soooo glad I found this Hop. The ideas are great.
Great imagination! I have always needed to make things. I have sewn my clothes, crocheted, knitted and then found quilting! I'm hooked!
Your Dresden is wonderful! I love the rooster in the center :)
What inspires me to create...nice family...
(that's a lot of creating right there, lol!)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh what a fun table topper this will be for spring or summer! I love the addition of the prairie points! Thanks for participating and inspiring us!
Cute Dresden! I love the dots and the prairie points. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.
I fell in love with quilting about 6 years ago. My father had began to make quilts for each one of his family members, it began my journey. I have severe brain damage in the memory section. I have found that quilting helps me to concentrate, relax and totally enjoy myself. So much in quilting inspires me it is difficult to narrow it down. Seeing the joy from family and friends...knowing it makes them feel great and happy seeing me do something that helps my disability. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
A pretty little Dresden topper. Thanks for sharing and participating in the dare to dresden blog hop.
I get inspired by all the different projects I have seen around the blogs.
Regards from Alberta,
I quilt for so many reasons, but primarily I quilt because it gives me a creative outlet. My job is stressful and requires a lot of thinking. When I quilt, I can filter away my worries, if only for a few minutes. Thanks for sharing and making me think more about why I quilt.
Funny...but it's the Dresden that started my love of quilting. My grandmother owned a Dresden plate quilt years ago and my sister and I spent many nights curled up on Nana's couch watching movies with her and eating popcorn. A Dresden quilt is on my "someday I will" list...right now, I quilt primarily to reduce stress. The finished product always makes me smile and I love gifting my treasures to family and friends.
shel704 at aol dot com
U am inspired by my family and of course all the wonderful quilters I've found on the 'net. I feel so new and shall I say a 'virgin' in the quilting world? I have sewn garments for years and now working on the Q word and loving it. I've gotten the bug! LOL Thank you to my mother-in-law who told me to at least try quilting. Thanks for the giveaway too!
Your springtime Dresden looks great! The cute chicken made me laugh. I see inspiration for quilting just about everywhere I look.
Your chicken and polka dots are adorable...the prairie points really finish your table topper perfectly!! Inspiration for quilting is everywhere!!!
What a gorgeous little quilt! I get my inspiration from seeing what other crafty bloggers are making.
What a fun dresden! Love the prairie points as well, too cute! I'd love to go to Switzerland one day, my Mom grew up there. I love to sew and do embroidery. It relaxes me as well as I get to be creative. Thanks for sharing with us, awesome job!
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win some gorgeous fabric.
I'm inspired by everything around me. I'm especially inspired by all the creative people with blogs who share their creations with everyone! :)
Your table topper is the perfect thing to chase away the winter blues (and cold). I'm inspired to quilt because it's an outlet for creativity, a time for calm in my life, and a chance to challenge myself. Inspiration comes from many directions, many of which are from other quilters sharing on their blogs. Thanks! (I'm a new follower. Have safe travels.)
What happy colours! I think the chicken in the center wants her eggs back!
Love the Dresden plate table topper....I have no idea what makes me want to be long as I remember I have loved making things with my hands....sewing, knitting, crocheting and in the day macramé.....I also love appliqué and hand quilting.......great giveaway.....
Great Dresden and the chicken in the center is sooooo cute! I get my inspiration from blogs I follow, but also there are times I dream of quilts and when I awake if I remember I try to sketch them out.
What a cute table topper. I love the bright colors. Great job.
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. I love cruising the internet for inspiration, but I'm truly inspired by members of my quilt guild.
That is a really cute little table topper and the prairie points just added to it. I am so inspired by this blog hop. Thanks
lovely easter (?) dresden, thanks for sharing and the chance to win the lovely fabrics.
Blogs!!! inspire me. I am daily amazed by the creativity of quilters shared on blogs!
Your Dresden table topper is just too cute! I am inspired to make gifts for others. I find this very rewarding. This past year, the blog hops have inspired me to stretch out and try some new things. I'm really enjoying them!
I find that blog hops and being able to see other quilters' work inspires me to sew & quilt.
Free Moda? YIKES! What an awesome giveaway! I'm inspired to sew & create because it fills a need in me. I spend hours sometimes cooking a great meal, and when it's all over, it's all over - nothing but a memory. But when I spend time quilting it lasts for years, maybe even decades - and that makes me happy!
adorable.. so bright and cheery.
What a unique idea you had! So cute!
I guess I'd have to ask what doesn't inspire me to quilt...I seem to find inspiration everywhere! I'd say the thing that inspires me the most is people and the desire I have to wrap everyone I know in something made with love!
I love the idea of not sewing the dresdens into a point, and then doing the pointed border. I'm just learning to quilt, and, unfortunately, I'm not too creative, but I sure can copy! Thanks for the idea.
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