Cooking, Sewing, Working, Traveling, Gardening and Pondering

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

~Winston Churchill~

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sad Event

A little over a week ago, I got a horrific phone call from my very best friend in the world. Her husband had been in a motorcycle accident and did not survive. As we live so far apart, it took me a few days to get there to be with her and their daughter through this tragedy. It has given me a lot of clarity in how to live my life. I want to live it more fully as if tomorrow may never arrive. Since I lost my mom to breast cancer, I've been better about telling those people close to me how much I love them. From the passing of Steve, I'm taking a "live life to the fullest" approach. He was a good husband and father and will be missed by so many. I am here for my friend and her daughter and want to keep them focused on the positive and to endure lives challenges with courage and optimism.


Karen said... are awesome and I'm so glad that you are in my life :)

Regena said...


Kathy said...

Amy -- you are so correct! Never take a single day for granted. I lost my sweet husband unexpectantly in April. We were just about 6 weeks shy of our 40th wedding anniversary. My heart breaks for your friend -- I know exactly how she feels!

Denise said...

Thinking of you. You are a good friend. Thank you for reminding us that we need to live our lives to the fullest and not wait for "someday". I too am glad that you are in my life. ♥♥

jillytacy said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. You have a great attitude. I hope your life is full of many wonderful adventures as you live life to the fullest each day!