I thought I'd plant some seeds in my front planter a while back instead of planting plants and see if they would grow up and be heartier. It's a difficult place to plant as it doesn't get hit by the sprinklers so I have to hand water and it's all red brick with direct sunlight all day long. Most plants just seem to fry by summer. If I miss more than 2 days of not watering the plants tank and I have start over.
So i had some sweat peas and some morning glory packets that my husband had put in my Christmas stocking that I thought I should plant. I soaked them over night and planted one set in the front porch planter and the other outside our bedroom window.

However, I thought the sweet peas where on the porch and the morning glories by the window. After some time and some growth it seems as if I swapped these around.

Anyway, it gave me an idea to do a seed swap. If you are interested, please leave me a comment and if there are at least 10 people interested, I will host this. The idea is that you would swap 4 packets of seeds with your partner. You would get to select - flower or vegetable and shade/sunlight, as your criteria. This should be easy enough as seed packets can ship in an envelope. They can be seeds you harvested, or from the store etc. Include a little note to your partner on who you are, and what you plan to do with your own seeds when they arrive. It would be fun to see the progress later on by who plants their seeds and how they grow through out the summer.
If you don't have yard but still want to participate - you can! Just make seed bombs for areas around you like deserted plots of land or over grown lots. Here's a great source for how to make them at
Heavy Petal. Also, you really simplify this by just mixing seeds into potting soil and add enough water to make them dough-y (that is a word right?). Form them into balls, place on a backing sheet or tray and allow to dry for 3-4 days. Then give them a throw into the lot and you'll either get some seeds growing or feed the birds.
So here goes folks - a Summer Seed Swap!