Cooking, Sewing, Working, Traveling, Gardening and Pondering

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

~Winston Churchill~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

10 tasks in 10 days - ROFLMAO

Yeah ok so really? I thought I could do all this in 10 days...I crack myself up.

But here is my progress.

So the list is now 0

2) filing
3) organize home office better
4) hang US flag for the 4th holiday
7) start on the penny rug
8) sew up the pillowcases
9) sew up the apron for my sister in law.

so I'm only half way through in 6 days and only 4 days left to do all of the above.

this is one tough challenge when you work a full time job, and have to support a demanding husband and prepare for company.

Notes below on the 10 items:

1) try a new recipe - yes - homemade lemonade
2) filing - ugh - partially done.
3) organize my home office better - hahahahahaha i'm so funny
4) re-work my side garden - yes
5) add new annuals to the front the flower beds - yes and mulch too
6) hang the US flag on the house - have deteremined the location in the garage of its wearabouts.
7) Decide and start the July table runner for the Christmas in July event - idea forming for a penny rug
8) make the pillowcases I bought that fabric for :O - no progress at all
9) finally sew up the apron for my sister in law before she gets here on Friday - hahahahaha
10) finish up the "Monday" dish towel stitching project. - finished it last night as a matter of fact.

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