Cooking, Sewing, Working, Traveling, Gardening and Pondering

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

~Winston Churchill~

Monday, November 29, 2010

Almost Immediate Gratification

Originally uploaded by amysgreatadventure
Yesterday marked my last day of vacation week. It started off wonderful with an extra snooze in, then pancakes for breakfast. I knew I wanted to do some stitching but wasn't sure what to do. The night before I had gotten out everything to do a needlepunch project i had and immediately lost the needle threader. That cost me 30 minutes of crawling around on the floor and digging through cushions to no avail. So I started this little pattern I had bought a while back.

I finished it by noon and was very happy with it and took a long hot shower. Then that's when my husband said he needed to got to the hospital. So dripping wet, hair in a turban I threw on clothes and shoes, grabbed my handbag and dropped the turban and hawled butt to the hospital. Seems he had a very bad UTI (urinary track infection) - I know TMI! Anyway, they patched him up and sent him home with instructions to see his primary care doctor today. He's resting and not to happy with his situation.

I'll head into the office for a few hours to catch up then back to take care of him and get him where he needs to be.

I love him, but boys can't handle pain well or being sick.


Regena said...

cute project
sorry the hubster has a uti that is tmi and you are don't do sick with any grace at all. LOL

Karen said...

I'll bet you rocked that turban :)