Most people that "know" me understand I made a decision. I made it a long time a go. Not because I have any issue with them but because my life has never been very friendly towards them. I don't have kids or nor to I plan for them. My husband pretty much feels the same way. His theory is they don't make car seats for motorcycles.
Kids are fun, they have great personalities. I have no aversion to them, I'm not a kid hater. Even though I don't particularly like having the screaming baby around me for long flights - doesn't mean I don't have compassion for it's mother who is worn out and remorseful for the situation. I realize she needs some rest more than I could ever imagine.
So my point being that when I joined the Junior League I had no idea how involved I'd be directly with kids. With my decision (see above), I eventually ended up with friends and other couples that had made a similar decision. So I am rarely around kids - I mean rarely. So I am filling ill equiped for some of the JL activities.
The kids are now intimidating to me. Will I be able to speak "kid speak"?, can I relate, will I be able to engage them? Considering I am an offspring of a lady that was the Pied Piper of Kids, you'd think I have a clue. My mom would have a flock of kids around her in a matter of minutes.
Tomorrow I have my "new member" project for the JL. It's a kids Fall Food Fair at the local homeless shelter. We've got exercise/play stations, healthy snack foods, and then crafts. I obviously took crafts thinking it would easy. Now I'm a stressed out mess of this.
I've made up some great food pyramid handouts, fruit/veggie Bingo cards and two sets of fruit/veggie concentration games. Is this corny? I mean they are "hand made". They are bright and colorful but handmade. Will the kids think I cheaped out on them? I'm not much of a scraper so they look handmade.
I guess I just need to channel my inner kid and just go with it.
Here's the thing about kids......they don't look at whether or not your scrapping skills are top notch, they look at the fact that you took time to put this all together for them. Kids don't need anything fancy. The best thing you can give them is your time and taking an interest in them.....and you are clearly doing that. By blessing them, you will be blessed in ways you probably can't imagine yet :) From the short time I have been getting to know you, I can see what a kind heart you have and the kids will respond to that. Don't stress, just be you and it'll all be fantastic!
Karen said it all!!
Teens/tweens may say something snarky, but that is who they are right now and secretly they will be impressed and thrilled that you took the time.
It makes a difference. You can't always see it, but one day, this little memory will could change a persons whole attitude.
OOps! No pressure, no pressure!
thanks ladies. it's just a bit nerve racking to go from dealing with engineers to kids overnight. maybe I can spew some tv lingo at the kids to impress them...like 3D or animation or QAM
I had this whole long thing written and then I realized that Karen said it best...so ditto for me!
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